Mitigation Plans and Monitoring

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers requires mitigation as part of the permitting process to help avoid, minimize, and compensate for impacts to aquatic resources. Our team will assess the proposed impacts and develop mitigation option and/or a plan to present to the client. If available and depending upon the resource impact, a mitigation bank is often the best resource for such mitigation. A condition of the wetland mitigation in the permit requires quarterly monitoring and reporting to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Our team will conduct a biologic assessment of the progress of wetland development and vegetative succession and ensure compliance with the conditions pertaining to the permit.


Development of Stormwater Management Programs

Permit Applications and Renewals

Implementation Services

Outfall Mapping/Inspections

Annual Report Development

Representative Monitoring

Dry/Wet Weather Screening

Construction Site Inspection Services

Employee Training

Public Education Programs