Flood Control and Drainage

Reducing the risk of flooding and increasing resiliency is paramount to our analysis, design, and construction phase services from subdivision drainage to large channelization projects, levees, and regional detention ponds. We provide education for homeowners on the basics of floodplain management and lead the industry in the utilization of complex, two-dimensional hydraulic models, radar-based rainfall, and LiDAR-derived topography.


Channel and Hydraulic Structure Analysis and Design

Stormwater Collection System Analysis and Design

Erosion/SWP3 Analysis and Design

Industrial and Municipal Permitting

Detention Analysis and Design

Special Flood Hazard Area Mapping

Flood Plain Fill Mitigation Plans and Design

Drainage Master Planning

Water Supply Analysis and Design

Stormwater Pump Station Design

Two and Three-Dimensional Flow Analyses

FEMA Letters of Map Change

Scour Analyses

Bridge and Hydraulic Structures Analyses and Design

Grant Funding: TWDB, GLO and FEMA

Dam Breach Analysis

Litigation Support

Training and Education

Public Outreach